Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Radical Environmentalism and the Church
Pastor Mike Spaulding and Calvary Chapel of Lima are hosting a 12-week Wednesday night Bible Study Resisting the Green Dragon which started last week. A brief synopsis of the study is below. The address is at the end. An invitation is added to "Feel free to invite your friends, family, and neighbors...."

“The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world,"wrote the Apostle Paul. “On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ” (2 Cor 10

Today, one of the most dangerous forces threatening the Church and free, just societies is the environmental movement, what we call the Green Dragon. No longer recognizable as the common-sense, people-friendly, even God-honoring conservationist movement from which it diverged, it has become an alternative worldview and even a substitute religion with its own false doctrines of God, creation, humanity, sin, and salvation. Whether atheistic and overtly secular or pantheistic and overtly religious, it is decisively anti-Christian, exalting the creation over the Creator, denigrating humanity while magnifying other living creatures, and driven by irrational mysticism and myth rather than the rational truth revealed in Scripture and creation and embodied in Christ, who is “the way, the truth, and the life” (John 14:6). Sadly, this radically anti-Christian worldview, theology, and ethic has successfully infiltrated many churches, beguiling, as the serpent did Eve, even many Christians into unwittingly trading the heritage of Biblical faith for a new, false religion. Many Christians have uncritically embraced the implications, and sometimes even the premises, of the Green Dragon’s atheism or pantheism; the topsy-turvy value system that protects eagles’ eggs but approves of aborting babies or euthanizing the elderly in the name of population control; and the exaggerated and often downright fraudulent claims of eco-disaster pedaled by leading environmentalists. The Dragon’s attacks must be repelled. That’s the purpose of Resisting the Green Dragon. In the accompanying documentary and 12 lectures, you’ll hear

1. Cornwall Alliance Founder and National Spokesman Dr. E. Calvin Beisner expose and refute the false worldview of the Green movement;

2. Theologian and TruthXChange President Dr. Peter Jones discuss how to rescue people from the cult of the Green Dragon;

3. Philosopher and social activist Dr. Vishal Mangalwadi explain how the Green movement undermines reason and promotes irrationality;

4. Home education pioneer, Patrick Henry College founder, and Home School Legal Defense Association President Dr. Michael Farris reveal how the Green Dragon propagandizes youth through schools, entertainment, and the Internet;

5. Historian and political philosopher Dr. Steven Hayward, author of the annual Index of Leading Environmental Indicators, expose the Green Dragon’s exaggerations, myths, and lies;

6. Climatologist Dr. David Legates refute the reigning environmental myth of our day, dangerous man-made global warming;

7. Former Virginia Secretary of Natural Resources Becky Norton Dunlop unveil how the Green Dragon’s policies would impoverish you, your church, and your society;

8. Pastor and Cornwall Alliance Senior Fellow Dr. James Tonkowich reveal the grave harm environmental policies routinely do to America ’s and the world’s poor;

9. Americans United for Life President Dr. Charmaine Yoest explain how and why the environmental movement threatens the sanctity of human life;

10. Dr. Beisner expose the determined efforts of Green leaders around the world to usher in global governance, threatening nations’ sovereignty and citizens’ liberties;

11. Dr. Tonkowich outline genuine, balanced Earth stewardship according to the Bible, explaining how it benefits both humanity and God’s beautiful creation;

12. Dr. Jones demonstrate the difference between the Christian gospel and the false gospel of the Green movement and show how to present the gospel effectively in a world permeated by environmentalism.

These lectures, and the comments of other Christian leaders in the introductory documentary and throughout the series, are a powerful response to the threat of anti-Christian environmentalism. “The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world,” wrote the Apostle Paul. “On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ” (2 Corinthians 10:3-5). By listening to and discussing these messages, you and your family, Sunday school class, small group, Christian school class, or home school co-op can equip yourselves to recognize the errors of the Green Dragon and respond with spiritual weapons of prayer and argumentation powerful to demolish its strongholds. Not only that—you can also equip yourselves both to understand and implement balanced, constructive, Biblical Earth stewardship and to present, explain, and defend the true Christian faith, especially the gospel of Christ’s saving work on the cross, to friends and acquaintances heretofore beguiled by the Green Dragon.

Pastor Mike Spaulding
Calvary Chapel of Lima
682 W. Grand Ave.
Lima, Ohio 45801


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